Dear Taxpayers

Every human has a role, every single job has consequences, good and bad stereotypes are part of the consequences.

Ikrima Barrorotul Farikhiyah
4 min readDec 31, 2023
Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, 2023

Ketika aku memilih dan memutuskan untuk bekerja bersama dan atau menjadi bagian dari pegawai pemerintahan, aku bersiap dengan segala stereotipe buruk yang akan tiba-tiba dilekatkan oleh sebagian kecil atau bahkan hampir keseluruhan orang dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Stereotipe itu tidak akan dengan mudah hilang karena hal tersebut pun muncul bukan oleh proses yang singkat atau satu dua kejadian atau pengalaman. Kalau stereotipe baik mungkin tidak membutuhkan persiapan extra karena akan lebih menguntungkan dan mudah diterima diri, meskipun perlu dipertanggungjawabkan juga atas stereotipe baik yang ditempelkan, karena jangan sampai diri ini menjadi penyebab rusaknya nama baik atau timbulnya stereotipe buruk lainnya.

Stereotipe terkait Pegawai Pemerintah yang Suka Makan Pajak Rakyat.
I am truly aware and understand that my salary comes from APBN (State Revenue and Expenditure Budget) or APBD (Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget), and more than 80% of APBN comes from people’s taxes. So, I am okay if you give me criticism or complaints about the government’s performance to me as a public servant. I think it’s part of consequences being someone who must responsible their work to public. But sorry, you have to remember that I am also a human just like you who is not okay if you insult and even accuse me with your baseless biased stereotypes. I think it’s common that I have worked for you (indirectly), then you pay me (indirectly). I am sure that you actually know how the world’s work. Everything must be paid, yeah?!
If you think the government’s employes or public servant just waste your taxes without give you any benefit, you can join to be part of us to feel and see directly how important your taxes and the way your taxes are managed. Should I explain how important our taxes are as the biggest income source for this country? How many people depend on government assistance funds that comes from taxes? Let’s be wise and maintenance our taxes together!

If you said that you didn’t get any benefit from your taxes, then I ask you, are you sure for that? are you sober when you said that? You can enjoy driving on smooth roads under shady trees, and you can complaint and ask guarantee if old trees fall down in front of you, even though you know you never spend your time to care for them or even think about it. Many other basic needs that have been tried to be provided for you, but your focus is only on your demand and what profit for you. ouch... or all of this just your cynical trait?

But, if you said that you are not even interested being public servant with your clear or even unclear thousands of reasons, please just give us a chance, trust, and respect to fill your unwanted field. Or actually, it’s just your alibi for not wanting to pay taxes. Sorry to say, if you feel hard or don’t want to pay the taxes, don’t live as citizen in any countries. Because the term of the country is there are population, territory, government, and the recognition from other countries. So, if you think that the existence of the government is useless, or their performance is ineffective or un optimal, so it’s your turn to contribute and help the government to improve it, because their work related to your life as citizen. Instead of eliminating and insulting it, then being apathetic, unless you want to be stateless.

Aku pernah membaca sebuah buku sejenis satir atau anekdot (but sorry, I forget the title, and it’s difficult to search it, so I can’t mention it). Dalam salah satu chapter yang kurang lebihnya mengatakan, jika di bumi ini hanya ada 3 karakter manusia, yaitu pro pemerintah, pintar, dan jujur. Namun, setiap manusia hanya dapat memiliki 2 karakter. So, which one you will choose you want to be? Have you got the point? Yeahh.

If you are smart and pro or trust the government, you won’t be honest.

If you are smart and honest, you definitely won’t be pro-government.

If you are pro-government and honest, (hahaha Iam sorry) you won't’ be smart.

Perhaps it was just empty sentence that would disappear from my mind, but in fact it was stuck on my mind. What about you? Do you believe with those statements? It’s okay if you feel hard to say or write No.

I think you and I, we all do agree, if this world full of inequality and unfair, therefore the state must be present to bridge. In a broken world, full of bag of unsolved problems plus new problems due to rapid change, even we don’t have someone to trust who can fix it, please never lose hope, you can be the one.

